Portland Peace
About Portland Peace
Events Around Town
Embracing Politics
Peace Links
Resource Links
Directions & Maps
Most Desired
At Emergency/Hardship Times
Contact Us
Relationships & Support Systems
Nature Walk Exploring Peace


This page introduces ourselves and highlights important areas on this site.

Vote on Election Days!
Use your voice as vote all other days too!!!!

Every Day Earth Day
Click on Earth for Earth!

Current Elections: September 18th, 2007 Special Election Day!

Multnomah County Online Voters' Guide

Action Alert ~ Free Speech - OUT?!??????

Department of Peace Bill

Get Involved!

Site continuiously under contruction.  Please visit often. Thank you.

We are honored that you are visiting our web site. We are always striving to find new ways to introduce people to our message - Peace. This web site allows us to reach people we may never have been able to contact before.

The first step to peace in inner peace. Taking care of one's basic needs is of most importance; a strong sense, grounding of who you are.

Then comes peace in relationships with others. It is the next level of expanding one's peace. In order to find peace with, and in the world, one needs to learn to love what is not like us, and support what is most dutifully. The focus becomes to connect with various spiritual paths, political systems, ideologies,.... in order to understand ourselves and our world better.

Obtaining true peace is to embracing the uncomfortableness of all one's fear - all the awkward, embarrassing, uneasy, tricky, unpleasant, unnerving, distressing, ill at ease feelings. We can all know true peace every time we decide to take a journey which challenges, and then extinguishs a fear.

Please use this site to access the information you need and as a resource for broadening your faith. We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you might have.

Please sign our guestbook (coming soon) to offer comments and join our mailing list for announcements and special events. Please visit often.

About Portland Peace

History of "Portland"

After 18 Years the Truth is Now Exposed!
"The Simpsons" really live in Portland!

Circle Schedule

Serenade Portland ~ September 2005

This website will be updated and include Serenade by the end of June 2007. Please enjoy the site and start visiting www.GoSerenade.org for more about Serenade. Please come back to this website for Mentor Gathering updates specific to Portland!

Interested in Serenade? You can e-mail serenade@goserenade.org


Read "About Portland Peace"

Serenade Portland Peace Circle

January 20th, 2005
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Friendly House
Community Center ~ Northwest 26th & Thurman
Portland, Oregon 97210
In 2005, we joined to meditate and envision what Portland, Oregon, United States, and world could be. We explored expectations and intentions. We committed to an intention for 2005. We spent some special time working on removing blocks we had to sending love to George Bush and his administration (regarding Inaguration earlier in the day).

We continue in 2006.


About Peace Circles:

Click on woodpecker
for more detais about Nature Walk!

Like the woodpecker, nature walks back in Spring.

Click on Moon for Circle location and directions.
Happy moon

A Circle from 2004:

NEW - Calendar!

"Another world is possible, and it's being built right here in Portland." - Starhawk

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for announcements and special events.

Portland * Oregon * USA * North America * Earth * 01234

"The City of Roses, the City of Homes, the City of Bridges, the City of Parks, Stump Town, and Rip City"

Copyright © 2002, 2003, & 2004 by Shaiyel Seltzer