Local, State, and Country
May 18th is Oregon's Primary Election Day! November 4th is General Election Day!
Presidential Election: Information Resource Directory
In Their Own Words: The Democratic Candidates Speak (Position on issues, advertizement, & speeches)
"What is a Caucus?" How does it work?
"Broken System? Amid Disenchantment, Some States Ditch Their Presidential Primaries"
One Common Ground, Philipsburg, Montana 59858
Tel: 406-859-8683
Questions? Need help? Call our Voter's Research Hotline toll-free 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762).
Help America Vote Act
State of Oregon Voter's Guide
Elections Calendar
City of Portland
History of Portland
"City of Roses"
Portland City Government
City Elections Division 1221 SW 4th Ave., Rm. 140 Portland, OR 97204 Tel: 503-823-3546
Fax: 503-823-4571
History, policies, and personalities that have made Portland the City it is today.
Sister Cities
Elected Officials
Mayor Vera Katz
The Mayor is also the Commissioner of Finance and Administration. 1221 SW 4th Ave., Rm. 340, Portland, OR 97204 Tel:
503-823-4120 E-mail: mayorkatz@ci.portland.or.us
1221 SW 4th Ave., Rm. 240, Portland, OR 97204 Tel: 503-823-3589 Fax: 503-823-3596 E-mail: erik@ci.portland.or.us
City Auditor Structure
Appointed/Hired Officials/Departments
Council Clerk Office
1221 SW 4th Ave., Rm. 140 Portland, OR 97204
phone: 503-823-4086
Tel: 503-823-4085
City Recorder Division
Non-partisan, non-profit organization committed to building a new generation of political leaders and community activists
in Portland.
Citizen Involvement
General Information City/County Information Center 1221 SW 4th Ave., Rm. 110, Portland, OR 97204 Tel: 503-823-4000
TDD: 503-823-6868 E-mail: cityinfo@ci.portland.or.us
Arrive early for seating.
Location: Council Chambers City Hall,
1221 SW 4th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97209
Weekly Sessions: Wednesdays at 9:30 AM and 2:00 PM
Thursdays at 2:00 PM (if sufficient business)
Monthly Evening Session: Third Wednesday at 6:00 PM
Can't show up? Watch City Council Live
City & State law give Portland citizens the ability to initiate legislation through the initiative petition process
or to refer legislation passed by the City Council to a vote of the people through the referendum petition process.
For many issues, assistance or resolution can be found by directly contacting the Commissioners Office or Bureau that
pertains to your concern.
If you cannot receive an answer suitable to you, you can then request what is called a, "Communication at the Council
Meeting" from Council Clerks office. See contact information below.
How to Speak at Council Meetings
Council Clerk Office
1221 SW 4th Ave., Rm. 140 Portland, OR 97204
phone: 503-823-4086
Tel: 503-823-4085
Any questions about how you may participate in the governmental process? Don't hesitate to call the Council Clerk's office
at 503 - 823-4086.
Multnomah County
Multnomah County Government
Multnomah County Charter
1040 South East Morrison Street Portland, OR 97214 Tel: 503-988-3720 Fax: 503-988-3719 TTY Relay
Service: 711
State of Oregon Government
141 State Capitol
Salem, Oregon 97310
Tel: (503) 986-1518
Fax: (503) 373-7414
TTY (503) 986-1521
Election Listings for all Counties in Oregon
Oregon District Map
Multnomah County Regional Map
State House of Representatives District Map of Oregon
State Senate District Map of Oregon
United States House of Representatives District Map for Oregon
Document Center of the State of Oregon
Code Of Ethics For Government Service Any
person in government service should: I. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above
loyalty to persons party or Government Department. II. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States
and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion. III. Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay;
giving earnest effort and best thought to the performance of duties. IV. Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical
ways of getting tasks accomplished. V. Never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to
anyone, whether for remuneration or not; and never accept, for himself or herself or for family members, favors of benefits
under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of governmental duties.
VI. Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Government employee has no private
word which can be binding on public duty. VII. Engage in no business with the Government, either directly or indirectly,
which is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of governmental duties as a means of making private profit. IX.
Expose corruption whenever discovered. X. Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust.
Authority of Public Law 96-303, unanimously passed by the Congress of the United States on June
27th, 1980, and signed by President Carter on July 3rd, 1980.
We are looking for interns in our offices in Portland, Eugene, Corvallis, and throughout the state. As an intern you
will be involved in the campaign to elect a new Governor, a US Senator, and to help take back control of the Oregon legislature.
This is a great opportunity to gain political experience and still get college credit. If you are interested, please
give Meghan Moyer a call, at 503-234-5365 or email at meghan@forwardoregon.org
Portland Peace