There is a gathering of people coming together on September 7th regarding the Department of Peace.
Portland Peace Citizen Circle
TOPIC: The Department of Peace
What is your definition of Peace? How do you use peace in you daily life? At work? Where would you like to increase peace in your life,
Portland, world.....
Sunday, September 7th, 2003
3:00 - 5:00 PM
Central Library - Multnomah County
Room to your right (coming in from main entrance)
801 SW 10th
Portland, Oregon
Max (Trolley), Buses galore, and Street Car(Trolley)
FREE Parking on Sundays
PLEASE RSVP to know how many people to plan for at Please also copy and e-mail to anyone you know who would be interested this page.
U.S. Congressman DeFazio has signed on for voting "yes" for
the Department of Peace Bill. He is also a co-sponsor.